Arts & Sciences Special Academic Programs

During the past decade, the College of Arts & Sciences established a number of academic programs designed to give students exceptional opportunities to increase their knowledge and skills, which include:

April 6, 2023

The William and Argye Hillis Scholars in Biomedical Science Program

Introduced in the fall of 2015, the Hillis Scholars Program provides mentorship, scholarly programs and research opportunities for undergraduates in biomedical sciences.

Science Research Fellows

This interdisciplinary major introduced in the fall of 2017 prepares students for successful research careers in fields such as biology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, psychology, neuroscience, environmental science, anthropology and geosciences. 

Tropical Medicine Summer Institute

Beginning in 2014, Baylor University and the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine began offering Baylor undergraduates the opportunity to spend two weeks in Houston on an intensive introductory program learning about treatment of and research into the neglected diseases that affect the world’s poorest billion people.

BTRUE Summer Fellows Program

The Baylor Transdisciplinary Research Undergraduate Experience (BTRUE) program, established in 2017, sponsors undergraduate fellows to conduct summer research at Baylor in one of six academic programs including biology, physics, chemistry/biochemistry, environmental science, geosciences, anthropology and psychology/neuroscience.